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Thursday, 7 June 2012

Who am I?

  One of the most obvious and common issue adoptees have is a missing sense of self. Most teenagers, adopted or not, wonder who they are but for adoptees they have no one to look to for a 'blueprint' of what they will turn out to be physically speaking. For example I have no biological family to turn to to see whether that acne I have is genetic or simple hormonal, or whether I will always have average height or whether I will grow taller, whether I carry any potentially deadly disease etc the list goes on.

  In this post I'd like to talk about the psychological sense of 'self' rather than the physical component. I write this from my own experience. It's difficult to describe who I am exactly. I've been thinking about it and I've realised that I am nothing. I am basically made up of pieces of other people's personalities and influences, the people who I come in contact with in my life. I may be wrong, only those who know me can comment on it, but it feels to me that I change myself to suit whatever situation I am in - how many of you feel the same way? For example, when I am with my extended family, I laugh and joke around with them, when I am college I am quiet and withdrawn, when I'm at my father's office I am brisk, efficient and business-like. Everyone, to a certain extent, changes themselves to suit a particular occasion, and maybe what I have experienced is only normal, but I can't help feeling slightly troubled by it because I can't help wondering who I really am under all these layers.

  Dr. Nancy Verrier (renowned psychotherapist, lecturer, author) has stated the similarity between the identity issues of an adoptee and that of a person suffering from borderline personality disorder (emotionally unstable personality disorder). Here is a quote from a person who has acute borderline personality disorder -

 " is very difficult for me to let other people get close to me. I am simply too afraid that they will discover that I am nothing at all, that I am nobody, a shadow, a ghost. I am afraid that they will find out that I don’t have any opinion about anything, no attitudes, no ideology, that I don’t know anything about anything, and suddenly they will figure out how boring I really am..."

And, I can't help but feel similar...


  1. Where are you AJ?!

    - Forever alone

  2. Hi FL!
    Sorry man, I haven't written in a while and I don't check my mail that often any more. I meant to reply earlier. Everything is ok with me. How are you? How is the search? Found anything?
    Dude, I've had enough of this shit, I've dropped the idea at least temporarily. And as for your enquiry - yes. I have become very angry and bitter, exactly the things I didn't want. I've been listening to Eminem for months now,you're damn right he understands pain. I don't feel suicidal anymore. When I wrote that I was in a different frame of mind man.

  3. mail me at yahoo not gmail

  4. AJ check ur mail ! I've been tryn to reach you for ages


What do you think? Makes sense?