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Saturday, 22 September 2012

Meanwhile, deeper inside, the fire rages on.

  Serenity and agitation are opposites which logically cannot co-exist. However, if you imagine agitation existing not as an anti-thesis of calmness but within calmness itself. Some may argue that in such a case the calmness is not authentic, it is simply masked agitation. That is certainly a valid argument. I don't know, I am trying to understand it in a different way, as Einstein said, one cannot find the solution by thinking in the same way that created the problem. I was pondering upon this because I realised that I seem to be feeling calm in my agitation. Maybe it's acceptance of my agitation, or maybe just my self control. Perhaps trying to understand it in a detached, unemotional way will help me figure how the forces of anger, fear, worry, depression work alongside hope, happiness, faith and love. Maybe then I'll be able to manipulate my feelings in a calculated, uninvolved manner according to what I want to feel. Maybe then I would be able to delve deeper into what gets me ticking, to understand my startling complexity and the resulting inherent instability.

  The strangest thing is watching myself oscillate wildly between moods - being almost a different person in my two extremes. I am submerged in the hollow depths of the oceans in one moment and am exalted to where the mountain peaks meet the heavens in the next. It's crazy.

  I relish my darkness. Yes, the blatant immorality of the thought shocks me as well. At least I am able to understand now why I'm unable to let go of my past. It's simple really - my past, my raging anger, my stinging bitterness, my cutting cynicism, my throbbing sadness, my crushing depression, and my numbing ice cold pain and enveloping darkness are all a part of who I am. Listen to me carefully...See, all these things, while hateful, they define me. And, I'm afraid that in letting it go, I may have to give up a part of myself. Given my shaky sense of self, it's only natural that I am hesitant to give up anything that even remotely defines who I am, what I mean and what I stand for.

  I figure I need a symbol to hold on to and I need that symbol to be bigger than I am. I've come to realise that without a 'centric' theme or idea to stand for in my life, I am utterly incapable of feeling 'complete'. My idea - the one which all my actions and beliefs revolve around is 'excellence'. The theme of revenge and anger in propelling me to the unimaginable giddy heights of perfection and success dominates me completely. Perhaps the pain of being 'rejected' at birth moves me to frantically assure myself that I am not disposable, I am not flawed in any way, I am not worthless, and that I am in fact, perfect. It's pathological, I know. But by now it's been deeply ingrained in me. Without my anger, I feel no motivation to even attempt to write my own destiny. 

  Anger is addictive, it feeds on itself. It's undeniable, the raw power of anger, it is energy and pure force. It burns you, bends you, shapes you, molds you, changes you and in fact I believe it either makes you or breaks you. Inspiration seared by anger lasts much longer than ordinary motivation. Ordinary motivation doesn't satiate me. My thirst rages on. I thrive, I 'move' on the intoxication of anger; self-prophesying depression gives birth to that anger. See, depression is an inexhaustible source of creativity and inspiration. Anger, the offspring of depression and lethargy has come to become my main driving force. The anger directed at my past, the anger and helplessness in not being able to undo what has been. The anger to change, to create, to do and to achieve from this point on will enable me to shape my destiny according to my will.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

I seem to have more holes in me than a bit of cheese

  I've been in this place for what seems like eternity, you'd think I'd know my way around pretty well by now. Apparently not. I've managed to lose my way. Again. 

  The confusion really is in the fact that I can't understand myself any more. I don't know what I want. I want friendship, but I'm afraid of trusting. I want love, but I'm afraid of losing. I want happiness, but I'm afraid of letting go. I want peace, but my anger defines me. I want to fit in, but I know my eccentricities inspire me. My mood swings are worsening, it's harder on me when I'm at my saddest because I know the peace of being happy when I was at my happiest. Which usually was just a few hours ago. I'm lost in myself most of the time. I oscillate between wanting to care deeply about someone and being afraid of rejection. I am still so bitter and angry inside. And, so guilty and ashamed of myself for being so. I experience periods of dissociation, blank spaces of pure awareness. Some may call it meditation, but it's too boring a word. It's more like experiencing the vibrations of the universe reverberate within me. I'm not exaggerating, I've come to realise that the awareness that you are made up of the same matter, physically speaking, as the stars and planets, instills withing you a deep sense of happiness. If you're made up of the same stuff as stars, then you are no less brilliant than the stars, planets, and the cosmos itself. As Prof. Brian Cox put it, "We are merely cosmos made alive." And that thought manages to comfort me when I linger excessively on my 'incompleteness' as an adoptee walking the earth with no history, no roots, no story, no nothing. The brief sense of completeness doesn't last though, that's the tragedy of it. It's as fleeting as ever, its maddening brevity leaves me thirsting for more. Eventually I dip back down into the most silent, still places of my mind. Where the fine line between rational and irrational is scarily blurred. 

  Medicines have kept me sane and on track. However, for the last few days I have stopped taking them, I don't wish to continue like this, living a lie. I feel like a coward. I have decided I'm strong enough to last it out on my own, I am enough.