My story begins back in the summer of '94. In April, at the cusp pf a full blown Indian summer. In April it's still mild, the December's cold has melted away by then leaving us a a mild pleasant atmosphere. Anyway, coming back to my story, I was born in Mumbai in early April. (Dates not mentioned for privacy)
I was born to a woman whose face I will probably never know in this lifetime. Sometimes I stare at my face in the mirror and squint, so that my features appear a little blurred, I try to imagine a woman's face in mine.
Barely 24 hours old, I was left on the steps of a government run nursery. I can't imagine what she must have felt. I truly hope when we grow up, we build a world where no mother has to abandon her own child and security is guaranteed to every human being regardless of the circumstances of his or her birth.
Three days later (now I don't know what happened in these three days, I don't know who took care of me, but somehow I survived), three days later I was found by the police and a police case was filed against the woman who had given birth to me. No one knew the lady, it is almost as if she never existed. She had disappeared without a trace. The police got me admitted to a general hospital where I was taken care of and my nutritional needs were met. Finally, 13 days after my birth I was shifted to the adoption home.
And, exactly 3 months and 25 days after my birth I was adopted into a loving family. Phew!
In part - II I will skip directly to my teen years and how all this came back to me, and how I am now moving back into my past in order to move forward with my life. Stay with me.